
Annual Gala

Join us for our Hope Restored Banquet, where we will enjoy an incredible dinner, hear from clients who have gone from a place of hopelessness to having their hope restored, and learn more about what the Lord is doing in the community of Brantford.


Think about making a difference in the lives of a local family this year through our Adopt-a-Family Christmas Program. We know you will enjoy shopping for and preparing gifts that will bless your adopted family.

Once the decision is made to bless a family this Christmas, you will receive a non-identifying real client profile form that identifies the needs of your chosen family. Clothing sizes along with some of the interests of your specific family will be included in the information shared.

Below are some ‘suggested guidelines’ and ideas to help you get started. We gratefully acceptitems throughout the year for our Care Closet, however; because this is a special program for the Christmas season we kindly ask that all gifts be. Wrapped gifts are appreciated.

If you want to send out a special gift to more than one family, frozen turkeys or grocery vouchers are always appreciated.